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  • Registrant : Miami
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/22
  • Published : 2023/09/22
  • Changed :2023/09/22
  • Total View : 439 persons
2023/10/20 - 2024/4/19 / Miami, FL / Other


On the third Friday of each month, head to Calle Ocho to experience one of Miami’s most authentic peeks into Hispanic arts and culture: Viernes Culturales (Cultural Fridays). Spanish for “Cultural Fridays,” this monthly celebration of Cuban living is where history, food, music, dancing and art meet. All night long, art galleries keep their doors open late, restaurants spill out onto the street, neighborhood artisans sell their handicrafts, and locals play dominoes, roll authentic Cuban cigars and dance to live music.

On the third Friday of each month, head to Calle Ocho to experience one of Miami’s most authentic peeks into Hispanic arts and culture: Viernes Culturales (Cultural Fridays). Spanish for “Cultural Fridays,” this monthly celebration of Cuban living is where history, food, music, dancing and art meet. All night long, art galleries keep their doors open late, restaurants spill out onto the street, neighborhood artisans sell their handicrafts, and locals play dominoes, roll authentic Cuban cigars and dance to live music. The festivities take place in Little Havana, on the stretch of Calle Ocho between 13th and 17th avenues.

Address Miami, FL
Date 2023/10/20 - 2024/4/19
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