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  • Registrant : Miami
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/22
  • Published : 2023/09/22
  • Changed :2023/09/22
  • Total View : 260 persons
2024/2/28 - 2024/3/5 / Miami / Other


If it’s winter in Greater Miami & Miami Beach, it must mean it’s time for the popular Winter Party Festival, an annual, week-long LGBTQ+ celebration of music, dance and community.

If it’s winter in Greater Miami & Miami Beach, it must mean it’s time for the popular Winter Party Festival, an annual, week-long LGBTQ+ celebration of music, dance and community. Taking place at locations throughout the destination from Wednesday, February 28, through Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Winter Party Festival events raise funds in support of the National LGBTQ Task Force. While it might be freezing and snowing in your neck of the woods this time of year, you can appreciate sunny, beautiful Miami. Grab your friends and chosen family and get ready to party for a good cause!

Address Miami
Date 2024/2/28 - 2024/3/5
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Vivinavi - Events

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