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  • Registrant : Toboggan Inc.
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/08/20
  • Published : 2023/08/20
  • Changed :2023/08/20
  • Total View : 135 persons
2023/8/23 - 2023/8/23 / Miami, Florida / Drama / Performance


Thank you always for listening to the Naomi Takes America podcast!!

This summer, we are jumping out of the studio to hop around the U.S. to do live shows!!
I can't wait to meet all my fans in person!!
Just like in the podcast, I hope to talk and have a great time with everyone that comes to the shows.
Tell me all about your city?
The shows will all be in English!!
Let's see if you guys will be able to understand my English lol Accidents may happen but let's have fun!!?

The seating will be first-come, first-served.
The tour merchandise will be available!! (Cash Only)

(786) 803-8194
Venue Flamingo Theater Bar 905 Brickell Bay Drive, Miami, FL 3313
Address 905 Brickell Bay Drive, Miami, Florida, 33131 US
Date 2023/8/23 - 2023/8/23
Time 20:00 minute(s) - 21:00 minute(s)
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Vivinavi - Events

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